Comercio al por mayor de productos lácteos, huevos, aceites y grasas comestibles

sin logotipo

Lalín - Deza (Pontevedra - Galicia)


Comercio al por mayor de productos alimenticios, bebidas y tabaco

Productos y servicios

Producción y comercio al por mayor de huevos.

Comercio al por mayor de productos lácteos, huevos, aceites y grasas comestibles
Comercio al por mayor de carne y productos cárnicos
Comercio al por mayor de productos lácteos, huevos, aceites y grasas comestibles
Comercio al por mayor de carne y productos cárnicos
Wholesale of dairy products, eggs and edible oils and fats
Wholesale of meat and meat products
The company, with registered head office located in Lalin, Spain, is engaged in providing computer programming, data processing, and other computer related services. It is involved in providing global IT (information technology) solutions and consulting services. The company offers integrated business and technology solutions and consulting services to established and emerging companies globally. It also provides exceptional domain knowledge in the financial services and education sectors with software development and application management services built on expertise in niche proprietary, open-source and legacy technologies. In addition, the company offers exceptional domain knowledge in a wide range of sectors. It was incorporated in 1987.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal

CALLE D, 9 - 3 AD

CP: 96084 - LALIN (Pontevedra)

Tlf: +34 986780461
Fax: +34 986783436

Web: www.avicolatratante.es